Personal computing discussed

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Gerbil Khan
Posts: 9444
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2002 7:00 pm
Location: Georgia

Thu Feb 28, 2002 11:41 am

<A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Scorched Earth Tank." /></A>I am <B>a Scorched Earth Tank</B>.<BR /><BR />
When I have a mission, it consumes me; I will not be satisfied until the job is done. I have a strong sense of duty, and a strong sense of direction. Changes in the tide don't phase me - I always know which way the wind blows, and I know how to compensate for it. I get on poorly with people like myself. <A HREF="">What Video Game Character Are You?</A>
Gerbil Team Leader
Posts: 247
Joined: Sun Mar 03, 2002 7:00 pm
Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

Mon Mar 04, 2002 11:15 pm

<A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Light Cycle." /></A>I am <B>a Light Cycle</B>.<BR /><BR />
I drive fast, I turn fast, I do everything fast. I even breakfast. I tend to confuse people with my sudden changes of heart. Sometimes I even confuse myself, which tends to cause problems. <A HREF="">What Video Game Character Are You?</A>

Or a gauntlet Adventurer
Posts: 15
Joined: Wed Mar 06, 2002 7:00 pm
Location: JERSEY!

Thu Mar 07, 2002 8:17 pm

<A HREF=""><IMG BORDER=0 ALIGN="LEFT" WIDTH=150 HEIGHT=80 SRC="" ALT="What Video Game Character Are You? I am a Defender-ship." /></A>I am <B>a Defender-ship</B>.<BR /><BR />
I am fiercely protective of my friends and loved ones, and unforgiving of any who would hurt them. Speed and foresight are my strengths, at the cost of a little clumsiness. I'm most comfortable with a few friends, but sometimes particularly enjoy spending time in larger groups. <A HREF="">What Video Game Character Are You?</A>
I'd like to send a shout out to my buddies out there, Team N.I.N.J.A., The lumberjacks union(who arent really lumberjacks), ogre, Bk Bitch, Joe, Miguel, Danny, Toad, and all the rest I can't mention, you know who you are!

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